This page illustrates how the On Time plugin shows or hides different passages within an article on a long-term schedule.

Under all of the headings below, there is the same paragraph of the text, screened by an ontime block. You can see only the block, which is set to be visible on the current date. All other blocks are hidden.

Usage example: Use this technique to post announcements of all of your planned marketing activities in one article and make them visible to your customers only when they are applicable.

This block is always visible:

You can see this text at any time.

This block is visible thru September 14, 2016:

This block is visible from September 14 thru November 14, 2016:

This block is visible from November 14, 2016 thru January 14, 2017:

This block is visible from January 14 thru March 14, 2017:

This block is visible from March 14 thru May 14, 2017:

This block is visible from May 14 thru July 14, 2017:

This block is visible from July 14 thru September 14, 2017:

This block is visible from September 14 thru November 14, 2017:

This block is visible from November 14, 2017:

You can see this text on schedule.

Examples from  On Time "Getting Started"

Below is the exact copy of examples from the On Time Getting Started tutorial:

  • 'starttime'—the selected part of the page is shown on the selected day and time. E.g., This passage is available on December 02, 2015.
  • 'starttime'-'endtime'—the selected part of the page is shown on the starttime and hidden on the endtime. E.g.,
  • -'endtime'—the selected part of the page is hidden on the endtime. E.g.,

If you see the first example passage and do not see the second and the third passages, On Time is working fine.

If no text is hidden and you can see the {ontime} tags as well, please double check if the OnTime plugin is installed and enabled in your site's Plugin Manager section (see Extensions — Plugins menu in your administrator panel).

See also:

OnTime plugin for Joomla!